雅思词汇解析(101)| 礼物2024-08-23 20:12:38 来源: 新航道官方号 北京 举报 0 分享至
用微信扫码二维码 分享至好友和朋友圈 扫码咨询2024年新航道开学季课程 August 24,雅思 2024 2雅思词汇解析 | | 栏目推送说明 
雅思词汇解析,释义到用法,词汇清清楚楚 每一次的解析进步,都是雅思来自点点滴滴的积累 本期作者:张悦 
本周我们来学习礼物相关的词汇 1. recipient /rɪ'sɪpɪənt/
n.接受者;领受人 e.g. Each recipient of the scholarship will receive full tuition coverage for four years. e.g. She carefully selected personalized gifts for each recipient on her list. e.g. The recipients of the surprise gifts were thrilled and deeply touched. 补充:thrilled adj. 开心的 tuition n. 学费 a personalized gift 定制化的个性化的礼物 a gift-giver礼物赠送者 It's important to show gratitude to the gift-giver instead of looking a gift horse in the mouth. 习语补充:Don’t look a gift horse in the mouth. 不要挑三拣四 2. keepsake /kiːpseɪk/ n. 纪念品 常见搭配:as a keepsake 留作纪念 e.g. After the vacation, he kept a small seashell as a keepsake to remind him of the beach. e.g. The old photograph, though faded, is a precious keepsake of my family’s history. 补充:faded adj. 褪色的 Synonym:memento 纪念品 e.g. The photos will be a permanent memento of your wedding. 3. heirloom /'eəluːm/
n. 祖传遗物;传家宝 常见搭配:family heirloom 传家宝 Be passed down through generations 代代相传 e.g. She inherited an old grandfather clock, a cherished heirloom that had been passed down through several generations. e.g. The heirloom quilt, hand-stitched by her great-aunt, holds a special place in the family's history. 补充:inherit v. 继承(金钱或财产) cherished / precious adj. 珍贵的 4. housewarming /'haʊs,wɔːmɪŋ/
n. 乔迁聚会;暖房聚会; e.g. She brought a beautiful potted plant as a housewarming gift for her friend's new apartment. e.g. A bottle of wine is a classic choice for a housewarming gift when visiting someone's new home. 5. obligate /'ɒblɪgeɪt/
v. 使有义务(做某事);使有责任(做某事) 常见搭配:feel obligated to do something 感到有责任有义务做… e.g. When receiving an costly gift, people feel obligated to reciprocate with an equally valuable gift. e.g. Many people feel obligated to give a thank-you note when they receive a thoughtful gift. 补充:reciprocate v. 回报;报答 以上就是今天的词汇,我们下期见。词汇
