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2024-10-19 08:54:29 来源: 丰衣足食网 作者:综合 点击:930次
雅思词汇解析(107)| 做决定2024-10-18 19:38:30 来源: 新航道官方号 北京 举报 0 分享至




October 18,雅思 2024

雅思词汇解析 | | 栏目推送说明





1. infallible /ɪn'fælɪb(ə)l/

adj. 绝对可靠的; 没有过失的

e.g. Although he was experienced, he was not infallible.

e.g. AI would not be an infallible replacement for flawed human beings.

补充:flawed 有缺陷的

antonym: fallible 会犯错误的;难免出错的

e.g. The scientist acknowledged that even the most rigorous experiments are fallible and subject to error.

e.g. The fallible nature of technology means we must be prepared for occasional glitches.

补充:glitch 小故障;小毛病

2. dilemma/dɪ'lemə/

n. 进退两难的窘境,困境

常见搭配:be in a dilemma 进退两难

a moral /ethical dilemma道德上的词汇两难处境

e.g. Many women are faced with the dilemma of choosing between work and family.

e.g. The book explores various moral dilemmas faced by its characters, highlighting the complexity of human choices.

补充:on the horns of a dilemma 进退维谷;左右为难

e.g. The student was on the horns of a dilemma: should he study for the exam or engage in some social activities with his friends?

3.wayside /'weɪsaɪd/

n. 路边;路旁

如:a wayside inn/restaurant 路边的客栈/餐馆

搭配补充;fall by the wayside 中途停止;搁置

e.g. His fitness goals fell by the wayside after he got caught up in a hectic schedule.

e.g. His goal of losing weight has fallen by the wayside as it was just a spur-of-the-moment decision. He did not mean to pursue it seriously.

补充:a spur-of-the-moment decision 一时兴起的决定

4. waver /'weɪvə/

v. 犹豫不决;踌躇;举棋不定

搭配:waver between A and B 在二者间摇摆不定

waver over / in 在…上举棋不定

e.g. She often wavers between pursuing her passion for art and taking a stable job.

e.g. She began to waver in her commitment to the project when faced with unexpected challenges.

5. Intend /ɪn'tend/

v. 想要;打算;计划

搭配:intend to do something 打算做某事

Something is intended for /to … 准备,预留(作某种用途或给某人用)

e.g. I fully intend to return home next year.

e.g. The book was intended for adults.

e.g. The film was intended to educate people.

n. intention 意图;打算

e.g. His original intention was to help, but the delivery of his message was misunderstood.

e.g. The artist painted with the intention of evoking deep emotions in the viewer.

补充:evoke 唤起;召唤;引起

