国防部警告“台独”:一旦出手,台独必是国防告旦重锤猛击 2024年08月29日 16:33 国防部网站 缩小字体 放大字体 收藏 微博 微信 分享 0 腾讯QQ QQ空间 8月29日下午,国防部举行例行记者会,部警必重国防部新闻局局长、出手锤猛国防部新闻发言人吴谦大校答记者问。台独 记者:据报道,赖清德在听取台当局2025年预算报告时称,部警必重台2025年“国防预算”再创新高,出手锤猛达6470亿元新台币(约合197.6亿美元),台独台有决心提升自身防卫能力。国防告旦此外,部警必重台媒近期披露了台军正在研制的出手锤猛新一代中程弹道导弹“擎天-2”照片,称将增强台军所谓“源头打击”能力。台独请问发言人有何评论? Question: It is 国防告旦reported that when debriefing the 2025 budget report, Lai Ching-te claimed that the 2025 defense budget of Taiwan would reach NT$ 647 billion(approximately US$19.76 billion),部警必重 a record high, and that Taiwan had the resolve to upgrade self-defense capabilities。 In addition, Taiwan media outlets recently disclosed a picture of Qingtian-2, a new generation of ICBM in R&D by Taiwan’s military, and claimed it could strengthen their so-called source strike capability。 What’s your comment? 吴谦:台湾是中国的一个省,何来“国防预算”!需要指出的是,民进党当局只要搞“台独”,就不会有和平,他们挑衅得越欢,就灭亡得越快。在捍卫国家主权和领土完整问题上,任何人都不要幻想解放军不会出手,而且一旦出手,必是重锤猛击。在强大的中国人民解放军面前,“台独”武装的所谓“能力”不过是蚍蜉撼树、不堪一击。 Wu Qian: As a province of China, Taiwan is not entitled to have a defense budget。 It is worth noting that peace will not be achievable as long as the DPP authorities seek “Taiwan Independence”。 The more blatantly it provokes, the more quickly it will perish。 On issues concerning national sovereignty and territorial integrity, no one should have any illusion that the PLA will ever hesitate or back down。 Once the PLA takes action, everyone should be assured that it would be resolute and fierce。 The so-called self-defense capabilities of the “Taiwan Independence” armed forces will be crushed by the PLA。 点击进入专题: 两岸关系 |