「中英双语」粤语电视系列剧《外来媳妇本地郎》突破4000集2021-12-14 23:27:08 来源: 羊城派 举报 0 分享至
用微信扫码二维码 分享至好友和朋友圈 What is 中英the longest TV series you have ever seen? 你见过最长的电视剧是哪部? 
In Guangdong, there is a Cantonese TV series named “Migrant Wives, Local Husbands”. Since its inception in 2000, this drama has been uninterrupted for 21 years, with more than 4,000 episodes, making it the longest-running TV series with the most episodes in the history of Chinese radio and television. 在广东,有一部名为《外来媳妇本地郎》粤语电视剧,双语自2000年开播以来,粤语迄今从无间断。电视今年已经是系列媳妇它开播的第21年,总集数已突破四千,剧外成为中国广电史上播出时间最久、本地播出集次最多的郎突电视剧作品。 

Today, this drama has become a symbol of Lingnan culture for many young people. 如今,该剧已经成为许多年轻人的中英乡土文化记忆和岭南文化的符号! 双语来源 | 羊城晚报•羊城派 双语责编 | 谢哲 双语 |