
13. SMH - Shaking My Head(摇头表示不解)

When I heard that,英语 I couldn't help but SMH.

当我听到那个消息时 ,我不敢相信我们赢了比赛!聊天我大笑了。中最最后

7. IDK - I Don't Know(我不知道)

IDK where I left my keys.

我不知道我把钥匙放哪儿了  。个定

17. AFAIK - As Far As I Know(据我所知)

AFAIK,缩写 the meeting is still scheduled for 2 PM.

据我所知,总统的个肯演讲可以在网上找到  。会议仍定于下午2点。认识

8. BTW - By The英语 Way(顺便说一下)

BTW, have you heard the news about the project?


18. GTG - Got To Go(我得走了)

Sorry,个定but I GTG now; talk to you later.

抱歉,慢慢来,缩写最后一个你肯定不认识 !个肯

12. TYT - Take Your Time(慢慢来)

Don't rush; TYT to finish the project properly.

不要着急 ,认识

2. FYI - For Your Information(供您参考)

FYI,英语 the meeting has been rescheduled to tomorrow.


3. LOL - Laugh Out Loud(大声笑)

That joke was so funny, I LOLed.

那个笑话太有趣了 ,评论


待会再聊 !因为人生只有一次!

4. BRB - Be Right Back(马上回来)

BRB, I need to answer the phone.

马上回来 ,

5. TTYL - Talk To You Later(待会儿再聊)

I'm in a meeting now; TTYL!



点赞 、2023-10-30 16:46:57 来源: 新航道官方号北京 举报 0 分享至



1. ASAP - As Soon As Possible(尽快)

Please send me the report ASAP.


19. B4 - Before(之前)

I'll finish the report B4 the end of the day.

我会在今天结束之前完成报告 。这部电影有点令人失望。

11. LMK - Let Me Know(告诉我)

If you can make it to the party, LMK.


14. YOLO - You Only Live Once(人生只有一次)

Let's go on an adventure because YOLO! 让我们冒险一下 ,英语聊天中最常见的20个缩写 ,

15. ICYMI - In Case You Missed It(以防你错过了)

ICYMI, the president's speech is available online.


6. OMG - Oh My God(天哪)

OMG, I can't believe we won the game!

天哪 ,我需要接电话。她是我永远的最好朋友  。分享、

20. TMI - Too Much Information(太多信息了)

You really shared TMI about your personal life.

你真的分享了太多有关你个人生活的信息 。会议已经改期到明天。新政策是朝着正确的方向迈出的一步。

16. BFF - Best Friends Forever(永远的最好朋友)

She's not just a friend; she's my BFF.


10. IMHO - In My Humble Opinion(依我拙见)

IMHO, the movie was a bit disappointing.

依我拙见 ,你听说了关于项目的消息吗?

9. IMO - In My Opinion(依我看)

IMO, the new policy is a step in the right direction.


好啦 ,但我得走了;待会再聊。
