
支招小作文(178) I 动态饼 工作人士不同活动的时间分配

名胜古迹网2024-05-23 07:02:14【综合】3人已围观

简介支招小作文(178) I 动态饼 工作人士不同活动的时间分配2024-03-21 16:06:17来源: 新航道官方号 北京

[2024/ 3/ 16] The支招作人 pie charts below show the percentage of time working adults spent on different activities in a particular country in 1958 and 2008.


方法1  :按照<时间>分段 (本篇文章按照此种分段方式)

方法2 :按照<趋势>分段

Body 1:working,sleeping紧随其后占比32%

- travelling to work占比仅为2%

- going out占比19%,小作但travelling to work占比都最低

- going out变化最急剧

【Body 1】

Looking at the information in more detail,动态动we can see thatin the initial year, 33% of the time was allocated to working,closely followed bythe figure for sleeping(32%).By contrast,people onlyspent 2% of their time oncommuting. Going outtook up19% of a day, and this figurewas more than twice the figure forrelaxing at home. The proportion of time distributed to other activities such as hobbies and playing sports was 6%.


- working占比33%,sleeping,饼工 others一段【下降趋势&平稳】


The pie charts illustrate changes in the proportion of time that working adults spent on different activities in 1958 and 2008.


It is clear thatin both years, workingaccounted for the largest percentageof time,whilethe surveyed people spent the least proportion of time on commuting.Also, the figure for going out witnessed the most dramatic change.

思路要点  :

- 两年中working占比都最高 ,travelling一段【整体上升趋势】

Body 2 :going out ,士不时间最终外教审查定稿 。同活relaxing ,分配每一篇范文都经由专业团队反复校对 ,支招作人成功就是小作日复一日那一点点小小努力的积累 。是动态动relaxing at home的两倍多

- others占比6%

【Body 2】

In the year 2008, the proportion of time people spent on working and relaxing at homesaw a remarkable rise to42% and 13% respectively.The most drastic change could be found inthe time allocated for commuting,with the figure growing by4 fold.By contrast,there was a sharp decline inthe percentage of time distributed to going out and sleeping by 13% and 7%.In this year,people still spent 6% of their time on other activities.


- working和relaxing at home :显著上升

- travelling to work:变化最急剧 ,支招小作文(178) I 动态饼 工作人士不同活动的饼工时间分配2024-03-21 16:06:17 来源: 新航道官方号北京 举报 0 分享至



March 21, 2024

雅思小作文系列 | 栏目推送说明

分享雅思考试小作文真题范文。going out和sleeping急剧下降

- others不变


- 对比而言 ,同活

